Tunix Corporation

Battery Test Chambers

Battery Test Chambers

Model No: TCB Series

Tunix Corporation’s Battery Test Chambers provide precision-controlled temperature and humidity testing to ensure battery safety, reliability, and compliance with international standards.

Our Battery Test Chambers cater to diverse applications such as EV battery testing, consumer electronics, and R&D, and are designed with advanced safety mechanisms, including fire suppression and gas detection.

Key Features:

  1. Temperature Range: -40°C to 180°C / -70°C to 180°C
  2. Internal Volumes: 300L to 1400L
  3. Humidity Control: 10-90% RH
  4. Advanced Safety Mechanisms: Fire suppression, electro-magnetic lock, and pressure relief systems
  5. User-Friendly Control: 7” Red Lion HMI & Siemens PLC
  6. Cooling System: Air-Cooled / Water-Cooled with high-efficiency heat exchangers


  • EV Battery Testing – Ensuring lithium-ion and solid-state battery safety
  • Consumer Electronics – Testing smartphone and laptop batteries
  • R&D and Quality Assurance – Used by top research institutions

Safety & Compliance:

  • EUCAR Hazard Levels: Classification from No Effect (Level 0) to Explosion (Level 7)
  • Additional Safety Features: Temperature safety control, gas detection, fire suppression